Listen to this: The LORD Has taken me to Israel Last night in a very beautiful and awesome dream and I saw the IDF( The Israel defense Forces) Preparing for war. The LORD allowed me to see how very well they were ready to ATTACK the enemy, one of their enemies. The soldiers,the commandos were getting ready to strike the enemy, one of their enemies and it is very tremendous to behold that moment. And then just before they do, I realized an instruction is given, I think from one of the commanders to halt.
At this point the LORD brought me back to kenya and I saw women and young-men and based on how they were dressed I knew that they are of the ministry of repentance and holiness and were dressed very holy in their suits, and women long dresses and I saw the church making a contribution and I joined in and we put together our hands to support financially the military operation being carried out by the IDF.
Then I kept asking myself what could be going on, and, why the members of this ministry are doing that. Then again in the Spirit I was back to the army base in Israel and I saw some of these young men and women cooking for the IDF , the Israel army and then I started asking myself, what the role of this ministry could be in helping israel.
Among the things I considered were whether there was a spiritual primary key that uniquely identified common values that connects Israel and kenya, and particularly that ministry. Anyhow the IDF wins the war and then I woke up.
The bible advises the church to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The matter doesn't have any connection to physical financial support but there are questions that require answers. Let those whose the FATHER Has opened their eyes read and understand this vision. Shalom.